Monday, January 29, 2007

Skills Testing

It's been longer than a week since I last posted. But I actually have an excuse. I'm fighting some kind of virus. Not really bad symptoms, except I'm really tired and have been having the full body ache.

This week we are learning about wound dressing. We're supposed to know this and NG tube insertion/feeding for skills testing next week. I was really nervous before we did NG tube insertions. But I've come to realize that it is not really hard to do it on the mannequin. The problem is to remember to do everything in the right order. And we have know why we do something. For instance, do not pack the wound too tightly, because it prevents wound contracture and capillary growth.

Plus we the first two tests for Fundamentals & Pathophysiology coming up in the next few weeks. Ugh. I'm going back to bed.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Loving 2nd Semester

I'm enjoying 2nd semester. I'm starting to feel like a real nursing student on my way to being a real RN.
What I love:
1. I'm really enjoying our "Clinicals." They are now just all in dry lab and we won't go to the hospital for a couple of weeks. But we're doing real "nursing things" like toileting, bed changes and moving patients. Next week we do our first real procedure - NG tube insertion and tube feedings. Everyone is having fun. Even though we're three sections, we're all doing lab together. It's great because we all feel that we're getting the same education. (This is compared to last semester, when there was a difference between what the different clinical instructors were teaching.)
2. Fundamentals class is interesting. Our instructor is really knowledgeable about nursing. She doesn't teach a clinical section, but is often in lab giving us her "pearls of wisdom." She can be really intimidating, but is very nice about telling you what you're doing wrong. And she has a great sense of humor.
3. Finally I'm taking pathophysiology. It's still at the stage where it's all overwhelming. But it's nice to finally learn this stuff.

Next week we learn about nursing diagnosis. Some of it seems silly, since we were told right up front that hardly anyone uses them anymore. But I think I will find it helpful to help organize my thoughts.

Note: If you have a skinny butt, sitting on a bedpan isn't that uncomfortable. But if you butt is bigger like mine, they do start to cut into your butt.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Advice for 1st semester students

So every semester, the 2nd semester students host a lunch for the 1st semester students. And last semester, for our lunch, some of the SNO officers came by and talked to us. They all gave us advice. Unfortunately I had lab this morning during the lunch, so I wasn't able to give them my two cents. This is what I would have said:
1. Clinicals are what makes it all worth it.
I loved clinicals. I found them very stressful, but it reminded me weekly why I'm in nursing school. It was amazing at the end of the semester how much I had learned. I felt comfortable doing all the skills on that long list. But more importantly, I felt comfortable talking to patients. I didn't realize this until after my final for clinicals: Even though I get so nervous, I've gotten good at developing that rapport.
2. Nursing school is more than studying.
I'm not just saying this because I'm my class president. I'm saying this because your classmates are your support system. You're with for 3 years. You'll be studying together, doing those horrid group projects together and eventually working with them. So now is the time to get to know them.
I doubt I would have said exactly that, but you get the point.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Nursing Bloopers

At the of November, I took my clinical exam. This was in two parts. During the first part, we examined a "real" patient, and then for the second part we wrote up our findings. We were in the new medical school, with their nice new examination rooms. You know those stools that you see in doctor's offices that roll around. Well, I tried to sit down to take a health history and fell down - twice. Both times my equipment fell out of my pockets. I finally got smart the second time and took out the heavy stuff. It also helped that I put the stool further down and did my best to keep it from rolling. Those are dangerous.
The exam itself went ok. My patient did have a leg cramp when I was doing the abdominal exam and I was running out of time. I was trying to be nice and let him recover. But at the same time I wanted to get him up so I could complete the exam. I did run over time in the end.
The story does not stop there. I was writing up my results, but had not thought that I should be writing in black pen. So my pen ran out of ink. I then borrowed a pen from someone else and her pen ran out. Luckily the 2nd pen I borrowed lasted until I finished. It's a good thing, otherwise my instructor would have gotten a report in her choice of pencil, blue or red.

So what have I been up to?

...other than not blogging at all.
I've been enjoying my break. Saw 3 movies, went to lots of Holiday parties, and generally caught up with life. I'm finally at the point where I stopped clenching my teeth all the time. My one New Year's resolution is try to start running again. I'm using Couch to 5K plan. I'll let you know how it goes.

Classes start up again tomorrow. I'm taking Pathophysiology and our fundamentals class with the accompanying clinical. One of the reasons I was clenching my teeth was because I was stressed out with registration for clinicals. We get to choose our section with registration, and for a variety of reasons I'm one of the last to register, so I get no choice. I was so worried about choosing the right clinical, but then realized I had no choice. That realization helped me get over it, but still upsets me.

So I'm thinking of starting reading for tomorrow. I checked the class website and we're starting Pathophysiology with fluids & electrolytes. Ugh. I did ok with that in A&P and chemistry, but it's not my favorite subject. But don't think I'm some kind of great student reading before classes start. I had some classmates, who said they were reading as soon as exams ended. Crazy.

2nd New Year's resolution - to blog once a week. We'll see how that goes.