Sunday, October 22, 2006

How's nursing school?

So I've been neglecting my blog. It's been months and I haven't posted at all. Part of it I can blame on blogger moving over. I was playing with Writely and have some posts there that never went up. But the truth is that I've been so obsessed with school, I haven't even thought about the blog.

I'm loving nursing school. The 3-year program is slow enough that I'm not totally freaking out all the time. (I never would have slept if I had gotten into the accelerated program.) Most of the time I love my classmates. And I'm doing well in all of my classes.

1. Clinicals at the local prison. I know that no one would think this would be fun, but this was our best clinical experience yet. The prisoners are very cooperative and let us practice all of our physical examination techniques.
2. First clinical this past week in a hospital with real patients.
3. Last exam I did really well. I got a 94%. It really helped that I went 2 different study groups. It was really tiring, but I think I understood stuff a lot better talking it over with my fellow students.

That's all for now. I'll try to post more often.