Saturday, July 30, 2005


Got an A on my last Soc test and the highest grade in class. Embarrassed to say that I didn’t study all that much. But as I pointed out to Mom, a lot of the test I’ve covered in previous classes. Plus full points, i.e. an A, for the essay last week.

Also want to say that I’m still averaging an A in A&PII lab. I’m particularly happy with that, even though I did get two wrong on the last test. What I really wanted to do was get a 100% correct. I guess I’ll have to settle for a high A and aim for 100% on the later tests.


Thought I would go through a class without talking about homeostasis. But it was just brought up in Sociology. Apparently the Social Stratification System is constantly trying to go towards a balance. And I so hoped that I had left homeostasis behind for a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


My long term goals:

To become a RN – I plan to go to an accelerated BSN program. I already have a BA in American Studies, but now have to do all that science I didn’t do before.

To travel around US and the World – I’ve already lived in rural Vermont (loved it), Bloomington, Indiana (ick), Seattle (loved it) & Honolulu. Really want to travel to other countries, and wouldn’t mind living in other areas of the US. I probably will move for nursing school.

To become a NP or PA – I might get some flack on not knowing whether I want to be a NP or PA. I do not even have a clue what area I want to work in - whether I should go into primary or acute care. That’s part of the reason why I want to be an RN first, to see what I want to do.

To run a Marathon – see below about getting healthy

My short term goals:

To become a CNA – to get some experience in health care.

To apply to nursing school – Don’t know if I’m doing it this year or next. Probably depends on how prepared I feel & how long I can stand living with my parents.

To get healthy – I’m trying to start running. Going very slowly because my asthma sometimes acts up & it just hurts. My long term goal is to lose some weight & maybe even run a marathon.

Another Teaching Moment

So I was explaining in class how NPs & PAs have prescriptive authority. My Soc instructor made the mistake of saying that only Physicians have can prescribe medication. I then proceeded to give my one minute spiel about mid-level providers, and depending on the state, their ability to prescribe medication. I even gave my brief explanation of how it really depends on the state, and I even tried to explain supervisory vs. collaborative relationships with MDs.

Monday, July 18, 2005

never again

I never want to take another 8/8:30 AM class. I particularly never want to do one everyday of the week. It just wears you down. I don't what the difference is between getting to work at that time or earlier or going to class, but I think there is. No problem getting up for work. The last time I underwent this kind of torture was when I took Adolescent Psych MWF & a writing class TTH at 8:30. Ugh.

And you know this will happen again. And I'll have no choice. Ugh.

Sociology otherwise is a ok class for introductory class.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Why nursing?

So without going into my whole bio, I thought I should say something about why I want to be a nurse.
I've been thinking about this alot since the idea first occured to me last September 2004. I think it has to do with how nursing will combine some of the things I'm interested in. Here are a few reasons:
1. I want to help people. Most of the professions I've considered have to do with helping people. I'm not what you call an extrovert, but I can't imagine not working with others, helping others.
2. Love the science.
3. Love the social science aspect of nursing. After all I was almost a psych major, and was an American Studies major.
4. Can't stand the idea of sitting all day at a desk/computer. Been there, done that.
5. Like to multitask.
6. Think I would be a great nurse.

I may add to this, as I think of new things.

A&PII lecture

So I wanted to note that I finished up my A&P lecture 2 weeks ago. It was a great final of 80 questions where I got 79 right. I got my A!!! This was particularly good, since I only got a B for A&P I. Ugh. The neuro part killed me. I'm not looking forward to it when I finally get into nursing school. I think I did well becuase I really studied this time & the class was mostly physiology. For the culmative part of the final, there were only a couple of anatomy questions, and the rest was physiology. At least with physiology questions, I can reason it out when I need to guess.

By the way, I didn't ask, but I'm pretty sure the question I got wrong was about Vitamin E. Hah, I'll probably remember for the rest of my life that E is fat-soluble. Duh.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Am I really a drama queen?

So since I named my blog "Princess of Drama" I guess you want to know if I'm really a drama queen. For the most part, I'm pretty laid back. But honestly, to keep myself from being bored, I can sometimes be overly dramatic.
Case in Point: Yesterday I was continuing to try to run (I really just walked). Unfortunately my asthma was acting up. So I was thinking, at least I went out. My dad can't call me a wimp for not going those 2 miles to the zoo. And if I collapse from an asthma attack, I can at least say I tried. And if I do collapse, at least I don't have to go to my soc class tomorrow.
So if you think that's overly dramatic, than I'm the Princess of Drama.