Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Why Nursing? part 2

I have tons of anxiety as the countdown continues to the first day of class. It's not a bad anxiety, like thinking I can't do this. It's more, "what should I bring for the first day of class?" "Will we just go over the syllabus or will the professor start lecturing?"

So to help calm the anxieties, I've decided to revisit my list of why I'm going into nursing.
1. Love to help people. (This is still so true.)
2. Love the science. (I just hope I haven't forgotten everything I've learned over the summer.)
3. Love the Social Science. (I'll find out if I still do since one of my first classes is Psychosocial nursing.)
4. Want to be hands-on. (Restating this positively. And my butt is wide enough as it is.)
5. Like to multitask. (It would drive me crazy if I only did one thing all day long.)
6. Think I would be a great nurse
7. Great opportunities
-Career-wise (lots of directions I could go in.)
-Travel-wise (I would like to live in different places.)

I'm trying to stay positive, and doing lots of fun things to distract myself before classes begin.


Anonymous said...

More updates on the nursing school! How are you liking it?!?

Anonymous said...
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