Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Update on Knee

So I've been bad and haven't written at all. I was just very busy and then very brain dead.
I'm trying to decide if I want surgery on my knee. I can even write this up like I was giving report.

Pt tore lt ACL 1 month ago. MRI confirmed diagnosis. Pt developed allergy to Celebrex & Aleve. Has regained 90% of ROM. Current exercising 2-3x week and walking 20 min/day. Pain currently rated as 4-5/10. Pt states pain usually occurs in the morning on waking and when "overuses" or "injures" knee. Pt describes" sliding" movement in knee and medial joint line pain. Takes 1-2 tab of Tylenol when pain rated over 6/10. Uses "white flower" and ice to relieve pain.

Ok, that wasn't perfect, but I'm learning to write "medicalese." But you get the idea.
So my main problem right now is that sliding thing my knee does and that joint line pain. Basically the joint line pain is probably torn cartilage, but the sliding is definitely from the torn ACL. My MD says that I will probably adapt and learn to avoid movements that cause pain. However, my knee will continue to be unstable. I can choose to have the surgery, but have to be absolutely willing to do a lot of rehab afterward. I'm thinking seriously about it.

And have you ever noticed that there are a lot of exercise machines that you have to get off on the left side? Even when I can get off on the right, it's sometimes easier to get off on the left. Sigh.

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