Friday, February 02, 2007

Another Allergy

I don't think I've written about it before, but I have asthma and allergies. Believe it or not it was adult-onset asthma and it was only after I as diagnosed with asthma did I realize how bad my allergies were. I have the general allergies to dust, pollen, etc. And I have recently discovered (last summer) that I'm allergic to peanuts.
Now I've added another allergy to the list this week - latex. You're wondering how I survived one semester of nursing school without figuring this out. Well the only time we used gloves was when we were checking patient's mouths. And I usually used non-latex gloves and if I used latex it was on and off within minutes. So we were practicing putting on sterile gloves and my hands started itching. No rash, but I never had them on that long. I really need to see an allergist. Who knows what else I may be allergic to.

Lab is going great. We had a lot of fun today practicing our wet to damp dressing changes plus NG tube insertions for next week's skills test. I'm not as nervous as I was, but that may be because I have a test to do before I do my skills test. It was disconcerting the first time I did the dressing change. It was so awkward pushing the wet dressing into the wound.

Back to studying.

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