Thursday, June 15, 2006

Off to DC

Will be off to DC this afternoon. I'm flying with my Dad and meeting my Mom there. I've been the one planning our itinerary and I already have complaints. It's all focused on what Dad supposedly wants to see, though he won't say what other than he doesn't want to see the Capital or White House. So this is going on what Mom says Dad wants to see. Anyway, complaints from all sides that I've overscheduled us and then Mom tells me all the other things she thinks we should go see. Sigh.
Anyway, I'm sure we'll have a great time, and I'll have some stories to tell when I get back.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

What I've been up to

So I finished all the Health paperwork last week. The worst part was the shots. I got the HepB in one arm and the DIPHTHERIA/TETANUS/PERTUSSIS (Whooping Cough) in the other arm. Boy, was I sore for several days. And I think the DTaP gave me a bit of a fever too. I read that the Whooping cough part makes it worse, but I guess it's helpful, just in case. Who know's what I'll be exposed to.

I got to sign up for what sections I want next semester. Our reward for finishing the paperwork early. Still have to wait until August to official register.

I'm currently looking for a second part-time job. Preferably in a hospital. Went to a job fair, and think I have a good chance. Will need to call and follow up on the resumes I submitted online. Ugh, that was horrible. After all that work on my resume, I then had to fill out the application online.

Also looking forward to a trip to DC with my parents. More on that later.